I love exploring the technological and sociological influences that make me, me.
Hey there! My name is Bryant Rogers, and I'm a writer who loves books and I am engaged to a beautiful partner pursing a career as a Librarian. I studied English and Philosophy as an undergrad and have recently developed expertise in computer technology and media marketing.
I read a lot of books and articles. I love listening to audiobooks and podcasts. I enjoy watching video essays and Ted Talks on Youtube. I have recently started participating in many free online courses, webinars, and conferences, trying to take advantage of the wonderful networks of info that digital technology has made available to me. I am also currently trying to learn multiple coding languages such as Python and Swift, and I like creating new projects to develop these skills.
As I learn more, I have begun applying the insights I've gotten to a new concept that I call Social Accreditation. If you're interested in it at all, check out the SAT Explained page on the site, or read some of the blog posts in my Social Theory series.