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  • Writer's pictureBryant Rogers

More Than A Like

Updated: Aug 8, 2023

In a world steeped in the allure of social media and influencer culture, Jessa’s life revolves around emulating the glamorous existence of her favorite influencer, Celeste. Fueled by the desire for validation and belonging, she pours her efforts into crafting the perfect online persona, even at the cost of her real-world stability. However, a chance encounter with a perceptive stranger prompts Jessa to question the authenticity of her aspirations. As she awakens to the shallowness of the influencer mirage, Jessa finds herself on a transformative journey, guided by her roommate Tiana’s wisdom and her own growing realization. Casting off the pursuit of celebrity-driven ideals, Jessa embraces her role in a community striving for justice and change. With newfound purpose, she challenges the façade of influencer culture and discovers that true influence lies not in curated images, but in the collective power of ordinary individuals united by a shared purpose. Jessa’s narrative unfolds against a backdrop of consumerism, inequality, and the quest for genuine connection, weaving a tale of personal growth, self-discovery, and the pursuit of meaningful impact.

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Jessa awoke to the harsh morning light seeping through the thin curtains of her studio apartment. With a groan, she turned away, squinting against the glare, and reached for her phone on the cluttered bedside table. Her eyes bleary, she opened Instagram and her heart raced as she looked for new posts from her beloved influencer, Celeste.

To her joy, Celeste had posted a collection of photos from a luxurious resort in Bali, posing on white sand beaches and by infinity pools. Jessa eagerly tapped the heart icon on each image, knowing that just the bikini tops probably cost more than her monthly rent. She read the enthusiastic comments from Celeste’s millions of followers, feeling that familiar rush of excitement at being part of this glamorous world. If only she could mirror Celeste’s sophistication and global lifestyle, Jessa thought, maybe then she’d find a sense of completeness.

Hurrying to her job as a barista, Jessa couldn’t resist scrolling through more posts of distant influencer escapades and high-end giveaways, allowing herself to drift into fantasies. During her break, she’d visit her favorite gossip websites, consuming stories about extravagant celebrity bashes with a touch of envy. Someday, she told herself, sipping on her oat milk latte, she’d be the one walking red carpets in designer gowns.

At work, Jessa meticulously used the exact brand of oat milk that Celeste had praised. During a short lunch break, she bought a crop top also endorsed by Celeste, imagining herself exuding that same effortless chic, she put it on immediately. When a customer complimented her top, Jessa eagerly shared the influencer’s inspiration with a mirror selfie, already envisioning the flood of likes when she posted it.

In the weeks that followed, Jessa’s fixation on social media deepened as she poured her meager earnings into mimicking Celeste’s style. She splurged on shopping trips and financed photoshoots against trendy urban backdrops with her credit card, yearning to elevate her Instagram aesthetics. But the likes and followers she gained were a fleeting satisfaction, while her real-world situation crumbled.

One draining day, a customer made rude comments about lazy millennials while Jessa crafted his drink. Surprising even herself, she quickly retorted that she worked tirelessly, yet still grappled with overwhelming student loan debt. The man seemed taken aback, and Jessa found herself opening up about her descent into financial turmoil, all for the sake of projecting an influencer-worthy persona online. The man’s attentive demeanor caught Jessa off guard, his genuine presence a balm for her troubles.

As she shared the story of her financial struggles born from the pursuit of online perfection, he absorbed her words with silent patience. After she had poured out her heart, he leaned forward slightly and said, “Sometimes, young one, the most profound transformations come when we turn our gaze from our personal reflections to the world around us. Consider, instead of seeking validation in pixels, to become the source of change you wish to see. In being truly aware of others, we awaken a deeper awareness within ourselves.” His words lingered with Jessa, sparking the first embers of doubt about her influencer ambitions.

That night, as she scrolled through Celeste’s Instagram with a newly critical eye, Jessa realized that these glossy façades deliberately masked harsh realities of inequality and injustice. In that awakening moment, Jessa’s blind admiration began to wane, replaced by a clearer perspective.

In her cramped apartment shared with her roommate Tiana, Jessa found herself on a rare free morning, slumped on their secondhand couch, scrutinizing Celeste’s Instagram feed. Those once-enviable vacation vistas now stirred more irritation than desire.

“All of it’s fake,” Jessa muttered with frustration. “Her life appears flawless, but it’s just a meticulously staged illusion. I don’t even know this person” She switched to a local racial justice group’s profile, interested in their grassroots efforts, just as Tiana walked in.

“Back to Celeste again?” Tiana asked knowingly, dropping her bag with a thud. “Don’t you ever get tired of comparing yourself to her?”

Jessa let out a heavy sigh. “I know, I know. I’m beginning to see that her ‘perfect’ life is nothing but a toxic mirage. And we go into debt trying to buy the products and lifestyle she promotes. We’re just commodities to her. She’s just a commodity to us. Her life is probably just as miserable as mine! I go crazy when I see one negative comment, I can’t imagine what it’s like for someone with millions of followers being judged every day.”

Tiana nodded in understanding. “Exactly. You’ve been so fixated on becoming an influencer yourself. But look around this place,” she gestured at the peeling walls, “we need to focus on bettering the real world, not chasing some social clout.”

“You’re absolutely right,” Jessa agreed, shaking her head. For the first time, a path forward emerged with clarity. She was ready to redirect her energy towards creating real change and shut out the manufactured illusion of perfection propagated by influencers.

Over the subsequent weeks, Jessa slowly redefined her social media habits and broadened her focus beyond herself. As she unfollowed accounts promoting consumerist escapism, her feed began filling with voices advocating for justice, community engagement, and simple joys. Attending local organizing meetings alongside Tiana, Jessa discovered a sense of fulfillment that influencer validation had never provided. Encircled by others working together to bring about change, Jessa finally felt connected to something authentic.

On one brisk Saturday, Jessa and Tiana chanted fervently at a protest against unfair wages, waving hand-painted signs amidst a vibrant, diverse crowd. Jessa witnessed the power of their united voice, rising in harmony. In that poignant moment, she understood that genuine influence didn’t stem from an individual’s curated image, but from ordinary people joining forces, united as one.

That night, empowered by her newfound purpose, Jessa penned a post explaining her decision to quit influencer culture once and for all. “True happiness isn’t derived from idolizing celebrities,” she wrote. “It blossoms through the pursuit of justice and community.” With radical honesty, she recounted her awakening, pledging to stop measuring her self-worth against fickle, superficial metrics. Freed from the gnawing emptiness of consumerist yearnings, Jessa sensed she was finally taking the reins of her own narrative.

Several months later, Jessa nervously waited backstage at a small theater, summoning courage before delivering a speech condemning the harms of social media. Ironically, just a year earlier, her sole aspiration had revolved around fame and followers. Now, tasked with unveiling the hollow mirage of influencer culture, Jessa felt ready to inspire others toward lives imbued with meaning beyond the spotlight’s glare.

Stepping onto the stage, Jessa made eye contact with audience members and spoke openly from her own experiences:

“I used to spend hours each day chasing after likes and followers, believing the falsehood that being famous meant being content,” Jessa revealed, her voice filled with the weight of her journey.

“I thought that by copying the polished lifestyles of influencers, I could buy my way into their dazzling lives. I stretched my budget thin, pursuing an illusion that I could shop my way to a life others would envy.”

Jessa’s voice resonated with fervor. “Yet no amount of products or digital filters could fill the emptiness inside me. The number of likes never truly measured my value. I was caught in the snare of false idols, disconnected from what truly holds meaning.”

Her gaze encompassed the captivated audience. “We must open our eyes to the hollowness of consumerism and ceaseless comparison. Real happiness isn’t found in imitation or opulence; it flourishes through acts of service and the bonds of community. It blooms when we uplift one another, not when we elevate ourselves above others.”

“We’ve been misled to pursue status and extravagance, but genuine purpose resides in uplifting the marginalized, amplifying unheard voices, and standing united against injustice,” Jessa’s eyes shone with unwavering determination. “The light we seek isn’t the blinding glare of the spotlight, but the radiant humanity within each of us. Our value was never determined by follows and labels. It emanates from within, when we stand shoulder to shoulder, rooted in justice and love.”

Resounding applause erupted as Jessa exited the stage. Her hard-earned words sparked flames of purpose and togetherness in once-shadowed hearts that had chased the empty promise of celebrity. The truth had set them free.

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