Does living on this planet make us a part of it?
We don’t live like we’re a part of it, we control it. We destroy it, we use, waste and abuse it.
We eliminate entire ecosystems and forcibly breed other animals as food, slaves, and toys for our entertainment.
We pour pollution into the oceans, we chop down millions of trees (daily) we let garbage fill our land and air.
Tell me, if we’re a part of this world then why do we try so hard to distance ourselves from it?
Why do we insist on sanctioning different regions of it, building borders, claiming them as countries and then causing chaos, creating casualties in senseless combat?
We call ourselves a part of this world but we’re pretty much a parasite.
An ant is part of an ant hill, a bee is part of his hive.
But us?
We hoard horrible amounts of shit while other humans are hopelessly homeless.
We disrupt our own habitat and don’t give a fuck about who we hurt.
We’re not a part of this world, we’re it’s curse.