Back again, outside.
still thinking.
Thinking of everything.
Thinking of nothing.
Thinking too little and far too much.
Thinking habitually.
Thinking in routine.
Thinking spontaneously.
Thinking unbalanced.
Thinking of the beginning.
Thinking of an end.
thinking of Now,
now, before and later.
Thinking of Her, Him, and Them.
Thinking of myself.
Thinking of the world.
Thinking of the orrery.
Thinking of nature,
of spacetime, of television.
Thinking of insects,
Thinking of the river.
Thinking of a story.
Thinking of regret and guilt.
Thinking of old friends
and close goals.
Thinking of feeling.
Thinking of the Sun.
Thinking of clouds and blue skies.
Thinking of the time and work.
Thinking of shame.
Thinking of change.
Thinking of giving up.
Thinking of you.
Thinking of us.
Thinking of so much.
I still think i’m crazy.
… I’ll think about it.