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  • Writer's pictureBryant Rogers

Welcome to the Matrix

Still adjusting to this sycophant stage

Stuck from some unsustainable craze

Sitting under a sycamore’s shade

Sulking in a sulfurous blaze

Sun stained with tumultuous tastes

Sick to the summit of my stomach

Touching base with the gutsy angst

Coming from another shame

from a summers day, such a waste.

Wondering what I should take

From the fumbling fakes

Succumbing to hate,

Running in gangs,

Afraid of uncomfortable change.

Someone once said something

Like ‘nothings the same’

I heard a hummingbird sang

With untouchable praise

Unless the range comes from pain

when it’s stuck in a cage

Some suffer from rage,

some a mother's embrace

Some days your luck fades

And on others it’s great

Thunderous rains can flood brains

in a number of ways

Wandering plains once claimed

by succulent braves

Summoning strange functioning flames

Smothering in phases

Stages of space shifts

Uncovering the ageless

Transformation of patience

It takes more than paper and punctuation

To develop a troubled nation

Natives are hated, subject to sublimation

Subjugation and Alienation

is the way of immigration

Children are taken, families forsaken

Forced to submit to ordination

Of course, the court’s coordinated

No such a thing as foreign favorites

And as for further debates on

What is or isn’t racist

The whole country’s jaded

Justice isn’t traded

in the name of integration

Wokeness is a statement

But we’re hopelessly complacent

I notice those awakened

Just conform to new arrangements

Tribalisms ancient

But the right to it is nascent

Striving for attainment

Of a life that isn’t vagrant

Nothing left is sacred

The love for god is vacant

Prayers turn to payments

And a lust for entertainment

Patriotic flagrance

Lies latent in our statesmen

Blaming billionaires

as they take off in a spaceship

Shaming social welfare

and a case for reparations

Since scarcity and famine

are exchanged for liberation

Welcome to the matrix.

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